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3H Herbs - Healing And Cleansing Herbs are a combination of healing and cleansing herb teas that are delicately balanced and blended togather to aid the body in its natural healing process,

3H Herbs - health in healing herb teas

SKU: 0357
  • 1. The 3H Tea should be taken twice a day; once in the morning time before breakfast and once in the evening time before dinner.  The Divine 3H Cleansing Herb Teas Should Be Taken just before bedtime.


    2. The preparation of each combination of herbs is the same. Take a half (1/2) teaspoon of the tea mixture out of the pouch; add the mixture to your tea cup. Then add boiling water to your tea cup and allow it to steep for roughly 10-15+ minutes. Once the tea has strengthened to your liking, strain the loose leaf herbs out of the tea with either a strainer, filter or spoon and drink the tea. You may also use a tea ball as well.


    *If you are using the, ' Potency Concentrate Drops', put up to 9 drops into your healing and or cleansing herb teas to increase the teas strenghten and effectiveness.


    3. Results do very from person to person, however, on average people do begin to see the results of the tea up to 4-6 weeks of consistently drinking the tea.


    4. The following are the ingredients of each tea as listed on the package labels: Healing Tea: Alfalfa, Angelica, Black Tea, Dandelion, Ginkgo Biloba, Hyssop, Hibiscus, Spearmint Tea, Parsley, Green Tea, Valerian Root, Lemon grass, Ginger.


    5. All customers should continue on their medication as prescribed by their doctor.  Please allow for your doctor to be the person that either reduces or in some cases stops the prescribed medication.


    These herbs are a member of the green herb food category and contain important plant elements for nutritional wellness.  These statments have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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